Couples Intensives can be scheduled according to your needs and my availability
Couples Intensives can be scheduled according to your needs and my availability
Couples Intensives & Couples Retreats is for couples who wish to create heal better relationships.
This is a private one to one with a couple that will be tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.
I will guide you in a unique process to identify, transform, and release memories and beliefs prevent you from giving and receiving love. I will help you become aware of how these patterns may be still present today at the root of many emotional and relationship difficulties.
Couples attend a retreat to learn ways to enhance their relationship not only to fix something. Many couples attend who are in good relationships they use the retreat as a way of keeping the relationship healthy and alive.
This ensures that the envitable changes in life such as work, health, children and the things come along to test you do not throw you off balance and you remain in tune with each other.
Prevention is better than cure.
My interventions are dynamic, couples are often surprised what can be achieved in a weekend. I use many approaches to helping clients get out of a rut, if you are as a couple willing to to the work I can help you.
Through simple exercises you will learn and develop tools towards experiencing sustained loving and a working relationship.
These verbal, non verbal and physical exercises are designed to open the heart and increase intimacy, compassion and understanding. When practiced over time, these exercises cultivate a profound sense of connectedness.
The fee is per person for sessions held over two days, it does not include accommodation
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