Couples Weekend Retreat

Couples Weekend Retreat


Join me for an Insightful and Inspirational Small Group Couples Weekend Retreat in the Chilterns, Latimer, Buckinghamshire UK a place of outstanding natural beauty which lends itself to transformative work.

Couples will have the opportunity to put aside their differences, gain perspective, and reemerge with new found inspiration, balance and connection.


Couples Weekend Retreat: Advanced Tools For Enlightened Couples

I welcome couples to participate in this retreat. You will be guided through an explorative engagement together moving towards creating a relationship based on equality, consciousness  collaboration and a shared vision of  your relationship with your chosen life partner.

Join me for an Insightful and Inspirational Couples Weekend Retreat in a place of outstanding natural beauty which lends itself to transformative work.

Couples will have the opportunity to put aside their differences, gain perspective, and reemerge with new found inspiration, balance and connection.

Whether meditating in the surrounding natural landscapes, while walking through the woods, or standing like a tree, on a yoga mat or around the dinner table, in a conference room, moving energy, breathing deeply or learning a new skill, I create experiences that change peoples lives. Helping people to open their hearts and experience greater intimacy, compassion and understanding.

Improve all aspects of your relationship

The weekend will inspire, educate and empower couples to create more mindful, meaningful,and balanced lives. By giving you permission to pause, reflect and reconnect to what is most important to you.
I help people take big deep breaths, question themselves, develop mindful habits and remember to look up.

Think and Breathe Deeply, To Love Well.

The retreat will help you both:

  • Create heart opening experiences
  • Heal painful patterns
  • Learn to communicate and express your feelings in a way that is productive.
  • Deepen your connection and intimacy
  • Help you understand your partner better
  • Understand why feelings change as time goes on at different stages of your relationship
  • The Importance of agreements based on fairness, justice and sensitivity
  • How to bring more aliveness and negotiation to your relationship
  • How to manage conflict fight and stay engaged

You will be guided in an experience which will  identify, transform, and release memories and beliefs prevent in you from giving and receiving love. By becoming aware of these patterns – the root of many relationship difficulties, you can transform them

The process can transform not only your relationships but all areas of your life; your career, your finances, your friendships and beyond.

The cost is £3000 per couple. This includes accommodation and all sessions.


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