Embracing The Shadow In Relationships & Unleashing Your Creative Light 26th – 27th November 2017

Embracing The Shadow In Relationships & Unleashing Your Creative Light 26th – 27th November 2017


This weekend workshop will explore the shadow in relationships. Love is a powerful force that inevitably brings to the surface the parts of ourselves that we desperately try to keep hidden. This can create many difficulties in relationships.

Everyone has a shadow, and the less it is recognised and embodied in our conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. It is the thing which trips us up over and over again, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.


Love is a powerful force that inevitably brings to the surface the parts of ourselves that we desperately try to keep hidden. Everyone has a shadow, and the less it is recognised and embodied in our conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. It is the thing which trips us up over and over again, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.
Many people blame relationship problems on a lack of love and the other person not ‘being enough’. In truth it is the challenge of being close and loving in a relationship that uncovers the difficulty. A close relationship is a powerful light, and like any strong light it casts a large shadow. When you stand in the light of a close relationship, you will encounter the shadow. ‘There is a psychological law that says when we don’t own and consciously recognise a significant inner conflict the situation has to be played out through external circumstances. This is sometimes known as “fate”
On our journey towards greater self-awareness spiritual expansion, we encounter the Shadow Self. This is hidden from our conscious self-image. The Shadow represents the rejected, repressed, undeveloped and denied. These are dark disowned aspects of our being. When the full extent of the shadow is revealed, it can be quite a shock. Yet there is positive undeveloped potential in the Shadow because it is always with us and holds so much of our life energy. The key is to recognise it and transform it in useful and positive ways.

During the weekend you will:
Move towards authenticity and personal power
Notice your self-sabotaging behaviours
Understand repetitive patterns in relationship that hinder you
Move towards self-acceptance and knowledge of who you are
Understand the negative emotions that erupt unexpectedly in daily life
Transform guilt and shame associated with negative feelings and behaviour
Recognise your projections that influence your relationships with others Explore authentic and direct communication
Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and rejuvenation


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