Restore your Mind & Body Retreat 27th – 29 January 2017

Restore your Mind & Body Retreat 27th – 29 January 2017


Early Bird booking before 30th November is £395 per person!

New Year Retreat

This 3-day retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the tranquil Chess Valley where you can move to a slower rhythm of nature to restore the Mind, Spirit and Body. The perfect antidote for stressed out individuals and couples.
The fee per person is £425 this includes full board accommodation and all sessions based on shared occupancy.


New Year Retreat 27th – 29th January 2017

This weekend marks the time of year when we start to plan for spring’s arrival. We say farewell to winter. We begin by planting seeds of ideas, goals and inspirations.

We prepare to allow more love to blossom into our lives.
Are you ready to let your self-doubts and limiting thoughts go, and step into appreciating just how lovable you are?
I will take you on a journey of transformation, letting go, peace, expansion & enlightenment
The single most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself; once you nurture and fix yourself, you will find it much easier to connect with others and nurture those relationships in a healthy way.
There is a huge difference between wanting love and being ready for a love.
Like any significant journey, finding love requires time, planning and a lot of preparation. In order to be ready for love, there are a few things you need to be deliberate about dealing with and taking care of in order to be at the best place that you can be when love comes along.
29th – 31st January 2016 Chess Valley Buckinghamshire.
This 3-day retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the tranquil Chess Valley where you can move to a slower rhythm of nature to restore the Mind, Spirit and Body. The perfect antidote for stressed out individuals and couples.


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