Relationship Workshops Learn to Transform your Relationships

Transformational Weekend Workshops  throughout the year

Conscious Relationships, Communication, Trust, Intimacy

Next Weekend Workshop 26th February  and 27th March North London Conscious Connection

Intensive weekend workshops for couples & individuals. The workshop focuses on improving communication and understanding what makes relationships work, through a mixture of talks, group discussions, and individual couple conversations. It takes place from 10 am-4pm on both the Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend.

Living from the Heart is a personal voyage of discovery into the deepest parts of you. It is about learning to be open to love all around you. It is about being alive, being awake and being free to love, with a firm reputation as an effective personal development and psychotherapeutic tool. The Process helps to connect you to your real self allowing you to live in a more congruent way.  Teaching you to become more loving. When you live from the wisdom of the heart, you can achieve our goals, and fulfil your desires and your potential.

Based on an integrative approach drawing on Humanistic, Developmental, Transpersonal, Gestalt, and behavioural and cognitive Psychotherapy. It uses energy-based transformational psychotherapy combining breath work, energy work, yoga, Body Work, Art therapy, Drama therapy & meditation. The combination of intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual work provides a holistic approach to resolving many of life’s problems.

Build Conscious Relationships, Communication, Trust, Intimacy

When you live in an authentic place you become stronger, more authentic and more loving. You attract the right relationships and all that is right for you.

  • Discover how your beliefs about Love, Intimacy and Sexuality affect your relationships
  • Learn how to solve problems in your relationships
  • Good communication is the key to better relationships. Learn how to communicate and express feelings clearly.
  • The process helps you to become aware of and take responsibility for your judgments, instead of projecting them onto others.
  • Helps you learn to hold a loving, compassionate space for yourselves in which you can come to greater acceptance of all parts of yourself.
  • It enables you to centre a loving awareness of the wounded parts of yourself so that you can bring healing and wholeness to your psyche and relationships.
  • Learn to create loving relationships
  • Address persistent negative feelings of being unloved and being unlovable
  • Transform challenges into positive personal transitions
  • Become more confident and assertive
  • Develop forgiveness and acceptance for self and others
  • Develop your capacity for Love and Compassion
  • Expand your Creativity in ways you never thought possible
  • Meet people who are traveling a similar path way
  • Discover a way to return to full aliveness
  • Discover a way to find spiritual awakenings

Relationships are the most challenging and the most rewarding aspects of life. The more intimate the relationship, the larger opportunity for growth we are given. Relationships are mirrors for us to learn more about ourselves.

Are you looking for a way to enhance your relationships and connect with your true self? If so, you might be interested in our transformational Relationship workshops in North London. These workshops will help you improve your communication skills, build trust and intimacy with your partner, and form conscious relationships that align with your values and goals. You will also learn how to attract the right relationships, access your divine inner self, and expand your awareness. Our workshops include energy healing, meditation, and trauma reduction techniques to help you heal from past wounds and create a positive future. Join us today and discover the power of transformational relationships!

Individuals, couples, friends and family members welcome
Open your Heart and your Mind

The Concept of Living from the Heart

Living from the Heart is a program designed by Aisha Ali, who combines different Eastern and Western methods and practices to help people improve their emotional and spiritual health. The program offers workshops and retreats for individuals, couples and friends who want to increase their intimacy, love, sexuality, self-esteem, empowerment, communication and conscious relationship skills.

Transformational Workshops and Retreats Programme

All Weekends are complete units taken individually or can be followed as part of an ongoing programme.

Conscious Connection

Accessing your Divine Inner Self

27th February 12th March 2022 Laughter is the medicine. Compassion is the signature of Higher Consciousness. Non-violence is the tool to evolve into Higher Consciousness. When you spend a lot of time with couples and individuals exploring their experiences, beliefs and thoughts about Love, you learn that Love is about being fully engaged with life and having access to the whole range of feelings — blissful, enjoyable, primal, and ugly — all are part of your journey. At journey’s end, you become aware that wisdom is Love, Love, Love — life is an internal transformation in the service of Love. When two personalities meet, connecting two different chemistries, both are transformed if an emotional reaction occurs. Some people want to be swept off their feet, confusing Love with infatuation, longing for a fairy tale that ultimately keeps them lost in an enchanted forest or a cycle of unrealistic expectations and disappointments. But the reality is that the entire spectrum of your emotions are engaged in the service of Love. Your emotions are the active state of self-awareness, a path to Higher Consciousness. It’s all about Love in the service of inner transformation. You will receive transmissions during the Conscious Connections workshop to awaken more Divine Love in you and expand your awareness.

  • Move towards accessing your divine inner self
  • Experience more loving
  • Receive Direct Transmission

Embracing the shadow in relationships

and unleashing your creative light

London Hampstead NW3

Hidden from your awareness, the shadow is not part of your conscious self-image. The Shadow represents the unconscious, repressed, undeveloped and denied. These are dark rejected aspects of our being as well as light; there is positive undeveloped potential in the Shadow. It is always with us, and holds so much of our life energy. When the full extent of the shadow is revealed, it can be quite a shock.

The weekend will help you to gain insight into the shadow and explore it in depth whilst learning to integrate it in a helpful manner. Love is a powerful force that inevitably brings to the surface the parts of ourselves that we desperately try to keep hidden. Many people blame relationship problems on a lack of love, the other person not ‘being enough’. In truth it is the challenge of being close and loving in a relationship that uncovers the difficulty. A close relationship is a powerful light, and like any strong light it casts a large shadow. When you stand in the light of a close relationship, you will encounter the shadow.

  • Move towards authenticity and personal power to transform your life
  • Alter your self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Understand repetitive patterns in relationship that hinder you
  • Move towards self-acceptance and knowledge of who you are
  • Understand the negative emotions that erupt unexpectedly in daily life
  • Transform guilt and shame associated with negative feelings and behaviour
  • Recognise your projections that influence your relationships with others Explore authentic and direct communication
  • Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and rejuvenation

 couples Retreat

The Heart of Relationships

Retreat for Couples

The Retreat is a journey towards self-knowledge and awareness. Knowing when to flow, when to initiate, when to hold back, encourages a meaningful use of energy (prana and chi) as a consequence our quality of life improves.
The Holistic combination of Physical activities, Creative expression, and Psychotherapy create fresh and inspiring opportunities for you to explore how we might transform challenges into opportunities that offer profound personal, professional and spiritual growth. You will:

  • Feel clearer about your relationship and strengthen the bond between you and your partner
  • Experience deep rest and relaxation from the tranquility of the surrounding landscape
  • Awaken your feelings and sense of adventure, joy and passion
  • Experience a healing space designed to awaken and enliven your greatest potential and gifts
  • Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and rejuvenation
  • Heal and improve your relationships with others
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Discover a stronger self awareness and self esteem
  • Rest, Rejuvenate and Renew

Love, Sex & Intimacy

London Hampstead NW3

Experience how the gift of your sexuality is your most powerful resource for full self-expression, health, happiness, and harmony. This weekend will explore, sexuality, sexual energy, desire, and pleasure, and our right to feel and express emotions. Embrace your sexuality as a special, and sacred, part of your life. This workshop is open to all regardless of sexual orientation or if you are in a committed relationship or single. Concerns about sex and intimacy are common. This workshop will address sexual issues. Exploring the feelings that arise, including shame that may prevent you from having an enjoyable sexual relationship. Many of our experiences of love, intimacy and sexuality are linked unconsciously to feelings of shame; guilt or fear and we do not always recognise that our thoughts about this prevent us from fully expressing and receiving love. This workshop will introduce ways to help you to develop a healthy sense of sexuality and desire. You will;

  • Explore sexuality and desire as an integral part of yourself
  • Renew the passion and pleasure in your relationship
  • Learn to have more deeply intimate sexual experiences
  • Develop a healthy sense of sexuality and desire
  • Create loving, endearing kindness in your sexuality
  • Explore sexual fear and avoidance and other blocks to healthy sexuality
  • Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and rejuvenation

Couples Weekend

London Hampstead NW3

Relationships are the most important things in life. Peace and ease in personal relationships important ingredients   to a happy and satisfying life. The loss of goodwill and feelings of kindness and Love for your partner can be crusting. Relationships retreats show you how build your relationship, and to deal with difficult areas. The focus is on developing the skills of communicating, understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others for those wanting to strengthen, enhance, or save a relationship. This retreat is for making or maintaining relationships at all stages and at all ages. You will focus on building these core areas




Expressing affection




  • Move towards authenticity and personal power to transform your life
  • Alter your self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Understand repetitive patterns in relationship that hinder you
  • Move towards self-acceptance and knowledge of who you are
  • Understand the negative emotions that erupt unexpectedly in daily life
  • Transform guilt and shame associated with negative feelings and behaviour
  • Recognise your projections that influence your relationships with others Explore authentic and direct communication
  • Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and rejuvenation

Conscious Relationships

Essential Relationships Skills

Deepening Relationships and advancing Communication Skills

It is important to develop the capacity to recognise and accept differences from and similarities to other people. This will help us to understand others and ourselves. Embracing difference will lead us to a better understanding of relationships with partners, family, and friends resulting in more open and accepting relationships.
Living our truth as whole beings requires us to live life as a creative act. This weekend will explore how we communicate in relationships and how we express our emotions, exploring our right to speak and hear truth. You will learn skills and techniques to help your relationship thrive focusing on the corner stones of healthy relationships on this workshop you will explore obstacles in relationships and explore ways to transform these.
What you will gain from the workshop

  • Learning communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Developing a shared vision of the relationship you want
  • Moving on from resentment and hurt
  • Increasing love and compassion
  • Becoming responsible shifting from blame to cooperation
  • Setting and sustaining healthy boundaries
  • How to identify the hidden forces that control your relationship
  • Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and rejuvenation

Healing The Heart Retreat



Compassion is the highest expression of humanity.

Join me on this very special week away marking ten years of Living from The Heart

Living from the heart involves Communicating your truth from a place of authenticity, compassion and love, resulting in relationships that are satisfying. When you access your authentic voice you live your synchro-destiny and fulfil your life purpose.

You will practice finding stillness in each day of mind and body. You will learn to
listen to your body’s wisdom by becoming still, not ruminating about the past,or projecting yourself into the future. Often people carry pain and trauma in their hearts that need to be released and healed.

The heart is the core of your being and the seat of your soul. The heart is the source of your ability to give and receive love, as well as the repository of your deepest creative powers and intuition.

  • Were you encouraged to express your truth?
  • Were you allowed to follow your dreams?
  • Were you told what to do and how to be?
  • Were your interests supported?
  • Were you pushed into certain activities?
  • Were you taught that speaking the truth was important even if it meant offending someone in some way?
  • Were you taught the ‘Disease to Please’ to keep peace and order?

Aisha will guide you in a unique process to identify, transform, and release memories and beliefs and become aware of how these patterns may be still present today in a way that is unhelpful and at the root of many emotional difficulties.

Aisha works intuitively and uses a range of Mind and Body techniques that have been honed over time to help you heal you heart.

From £995 based on shared occupancy

The Art of Intimacy

Exploring ways of Relating

London Hampstead NW3

The process of being in a relationship can be a sacred journey, a powerful path of awakening, accelerating our growth. Walking this path can deepen the souls capacity for compassion, and the hearts capacity for embracing love. It can be a catalyst for discovering our true essence, moving us towards wholeness and transformation. When we ‘fall in love’ our deepest need to be seen and understood is awoken. We can learn to understand loves’ cycles of giving and receiving. The closer we come to another, the better we come to know ourselves.
Intimacy is the essence of love and friendship. It is a closeness of sharing and understanding, of knowing and seeing another person and being known and seen by them. Most people don’t know how to be, how to accept and embrace what is. The capacity for intimacy requires a certain confidence and trust in others. In this workshop, you will learn how intimacy is a way of expressing the privilege and gift of giving and receiving.
We are not taught how to be in healthy relationships and this can cause pain and suffering. Often the way people deal with pain is to remove the stimulus and blame it on the source.. the other person.
Much of the pain experienced not due to the action of others but on how you see the world. Issues that may surface around intimacy are;
Fear of being abandoned
Fear of being overwhelmed, – engulfed.
Rage about childhood violations,
A desire to be taken care of completely by another person
Hypersensitivity to criticism
On the weekend you will explore the above themes and

  • Learn ways to create the depths of intimacy you desire.
  • Learn to develop greater intimacy to enable richer friendships, warmer family dynamics, and depth in your closest relationships.
  • Learn to successfully to communicate your own desires
  • Explore power struggles
  • Make conscious choices and relationships
  • Learn to speak from the heart Express love and appreciation in ways that touch your partner’s heart
  • Create fun, romance, passion, and intimacy.
  • Rediscover the joy and spiritual potential of your relationship
  • Powerful communication methods to move from conflict, defensiveness and anger into loving connection
  • Mindfulness based practices to create and strengthen intimacy, love and compassion
  • Practice Yoga, Chi Kung and Meditation for an awakening and Rejuvenation.

Living from the Heart uses energy-based transformational psychotherapy combining breath work, energy work, yoga, and meditation. All Weekends are complete in themselves and form part of an ongoing process.

All Weekends are complete units taken individually or can be followed as part an ongoing programme

Living from the Heart

Payments accepted through Paypal, Bank transfer or cheques, please note fees may apply for this service

For more information about the Retreat in Portugal  and to book your place, please see the Living from the Heart Retreat page or visit the website.

To book any of the Workshops or Retreats please contact Aisha Ali on:
07855 781 210

CPD As a Therapist, you can benefit from these workshop both for your own personal growth and for your ongoing professional development. These workshop hours can go towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours. Please enquire.